12-Step Fellowship AA ABCD academics acceptance activities addiction addiction recovery ADHD adverse childhood experiences adversity advocacy alcohol alcoholism anonymity antabuse anxiety asset belonging benzo withdrawal bereavement Bill White busking Bwyd Da Bangor CAIS CCAR change chef childhood choice choices clinical detox cocaine collaboration commissioning communication community community service compassion connection connections corporate identity counsellors Covid crack crack cocaine craving David Best David Clark David McCartney demoralisation detox unit doctor drinking problem drug-dealing ecstasy education emotions empathy Eternal Media External Media family family members family support group FAVOR fear filmmaking Film Teaser Flipped It! forgiveness giving back God government policy GP gratitude groups Growing for Change harm reduction heroin heroin addiction heroin overdose Higher Power holistic homelessness hope housing Huseyin Djemil Ian Wardle identity illicit drugs isolation James Deakin Journeys Podcast Kenya Kevan Martin kindness Kintsugi language LEAP Lifeline lived experience make amends making amends Marcus Fair mark gilman meaningful activities meaningful life mental health mental health worker mentoring methadone moment of clarity mutual aid Natalie neraf North Wales Recovery Communities now what? NWRC obsession opportunity outcomes pain control peace peer-led peer support person-centered Peter Norrey Phil Valentine playwright police powerlessness practitioners prescription drugs prison Probation Service problem drinking psychiatric hospital psychiatrist RAFT recovering recovering people recovery Recovery Academy recovery activities recovery advocacy recovery assets Recovery Cafe recovery capital recovery carriers recovery coach recovery communities recovery community Recovery Rising recovery stories Recovery Story Recovery Voices relapse relationships relatioships residential rehab role model Rowdy Yates self-esteem self-healing self-medication service providers sexual abuse shame Simon Shaw social activities son spiritual spritual stigma stimulants story stress substance use suicidal ideation support TAPE The Basement project thinking processes torture Towards Recovery transformational trauma treatment treatment practitioners treatment service treatment system treatment worker UK addiction recovery movement university vested interest vulnerability Wendy Dossett William White Wulf Livingston youth